International opportunities can add to the experience of Scouting, bringing the global nature of Scouting to life. World Scout Jamborees, World Scout Moots, Roverway and other experiences open up a world of opportunity. As does the annual Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI). The opportunities for programme are endless, including letter-writing and pen pal schemes, projects, badge swaps, video calls and more.
Ideally every Scout would have one at least one international experience per year.
The international dimension crosses over with both inclusion and sustainability afloat as well as with peace education and the Sustainable Development Goals, all of which support the development of action-oriented global citizens.
There are some some international events targeted at activities afloat, which you might like to learn more about
Eurosea is the seminar for Sea Scouting/Guiding in the European Scout Region which take place every two or three years. The aims is to enable national associations to share ideas and experiences on how to develop Sea Scouting/Guiding or water-based programs in general. Participants are members of national or regional teams responsible for Sea Scouting/Guiding or developing water-based programs and representatives from associations interested in introducing Sea Scouting/Guiding.

Eurosea 2022 – Athens, Greece
At Eurosea, a coordinating group called the Odysseus Group is appointed, which maintains this website. Irish members of the Odysseus Group have included Eoghan Lavelle (2000-2003), Brian Gaule (2010-2012) and Brian O’ Daly (2006-2008).
The Dutch sea scout jamboree Nawaka takes place every four years and is a very popular event with Irish Scouts.
Tall Ships Races

Irish Sea Scouts on a tall ship voyage, Cobh 2013
Sail Training combines teamwork with residential experiences afloat. Read more here about the Tall Ships Races. Ireland’s sail training charity is Sail Training Ireland, which organises a range of trips from Ireland each summer.
Koch Cup

Koch Cup 2016
Irish teams have competed in the Koch International Sea Scout Cup, a sailing competition hosted by Scouting America for international competitors.
Online meet-ups
Occasional online networking events take place. An example of these are the international Sea Scouting Scuttlebutt events.

Sea Scouting Scuttlebutt
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